Allah is the Only One Who Knows the Reality of Allah

Allah is the Only One Who Knows the Reality of Allah

Praise is due to Allah who did not make a route for the slaves to know Him except by being powerless of knowing His Reality.

Al Junaid (died 298 H)said the most precious word of Tawhid (i.e. clearing Allah from all non befitting attributes) is the saying of Abu Bakr As-Siddique:

الحمدُ للهِ الذي لم يجعَلْ للخَلقِ سَبِيلا إلى مَعرفتِه إلاّ بالعَجْزِ عن مَعرفَتِه

Praise is due to Allah who did not make a route for the slaves to know Him except by being powerless of knowing His Reality.( (7/267 من نفح الطيب من غصن الأندلس الرطيب لأحمد بن محمد التلمساني المتوفى سنة 1041 هجرية) (Reported by Ahmad Bin Muhammad At-Tilimsani died 1041H in his book Nafh Ittib min Ghusn Al Andalus Ar-Ratib 7/267}

This saying means that the only way for us to know Allah is by knowing the attributes of perfection that befit Him and to clear Him from all non- befitting attributes.

Allah is the only one who knows the reality of Allah.